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The Tower of Vulekosh.

And it shall come to pass, at the heart of the vast Hazakrel wasteland, that the shadow of the Great Alignment shall fall across the face of the earth.
The tower of Vulekosh, long dormant, shall awaken once again, and a great wailing will rise up from the land.
And as it was foretold, the ancient seal will be torn asunder, and the earth will shake, and the Gate will open, and the earth's blood will burst forth and flow, and the rivers shall become as fire.
Then will the legions of the winged scourge be released to the four corners of the land, and the skies shall darken.
The end shall become the beginning, and the beginning shall become the end. And the Thousand Year Darkness will be upon us.

Prophecy of the Thraos, from the Book of T'arumund